Backup and restore functionality
The main objective of TMS Backup (Pro) is to provide a simple but effective means of backing up working files from a PC or workstation to a backup media.
TMS Backup (Pro) operates on a directory level with two predefined core backup and restore types namely NORMAL and MIRROR. It utilises the Microsoft's Robust File Copy Utility - Robocopy - as the core copying module providing secure and robust copying and mirroring functionality.
These two copy types are basically designed to either copy all new and modified files and sub-directories (NORMAL) or create a complete and exact mirror of a current directory tree or section of it (MIRROR) onto a backup media.
Both copy types can be configured as BACKUPs as well as RESTOREs. This is a means and aid of indicating the directions of the copy and mirroring process. However, the underlying copy processes are the same for BACKUP and RESTORE (and only differ between NORMAL and MIRROR).
The core configuration unit is called a "section" and signifies a single task or functional unit visible as a single line (with content or empty) in the program main screen and numbered in ascending order.
Up to 100 sections can be defined spread over four tabs.
Each section can therefore be configured to be either a
- backup/restore section, a
- header section or a
- spacer (empty line) section.
Backup / Restore / Disable
Compares a source directory from a defined entry point onwards including all its subdirectories and files with the target directory and only copies all new and modified directories and files to target.
Compares a source directory from a defined entry point onwards including all its subdirectories and files with the target directory and creates an exact mirror of the source in the target section. IMPORTANT: As an exact replica of the source directory tree (branch) is being created, ALL surplus files and directories which are not found in the source are deleted in the target section!
Restores can be configured in the same way as backups only with different symbols used indicating the type, [NORMAL] or [MIRROR], and direction of the copy (restore) process hence being:
By disabling a section it will have only its active function related to copying or mirroring disabled indicated by a greyed out symbol. This is best used to temporarily disable the function for a specific profile. Other details, however, such as the backup name as well as the to be backed up source will still be visible.
Generally each backup profile can either be set to [ACTIVATE] for normal backup and restore operations and listing, to [DEACTIVATE] with the action disable and listing greyed out, or to [HIDE] with all actions removed and listing hidden. The hidden function can be used as a spacer between listing of different profiles.
- [HIDE]
Advanced options
Backup sections can be set to [PRE-SELECT] on program start up. The pre-select option ticks the checkbox of a backup section on start up.
Combo backups are a special TMS Stein's Backup (Pro) feature which allows to link two backup profiles to later be selected and performed combined and in sequence.
Header functionality - Group selection
The [Header] functionality allows to visually as well as functionally group a number of backup section under one header line. All backup sections below a header line form a header group and may be selected and deselected jointly. A header group spans from one header line to the backup section before the next header line. The [Backup name] turns into the [Header name] and vice versa.